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Sources: Spite Leads to Creation and Destruction of World’s “Most Sumptuous” Casino

Lima Sunday News (Ohio), “From Gambling Czar to Mere Landlord,” Jan. 13, 1933.

The Bee (Danville, Va.), “Fast Train to Make Riviera Daylight Trip,” Nov. 29, 1929.

The Daily News (Perth, Western Australia), “Nice Casino Burnt,” Nov. 25, 1933.

The Evening Tribune (Marysville, Ohio), “Gould Will Return Home,” July 27, 1934.

The Hammond Times (Ind.), “Gambling Casino is Destroyed,” Nov. 24, 1933.

The Northern Star (Lismore, New South Wales), “No Dividend,” June 10, 1935.

The Telegraph (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia), “Blaze in 1,000,000 Casino,” Nov. 25, 1933.